I attended three field trips, two of which I organised.
Field Trip 1: A Craftsman Journey – DIY Insect Repellant and Moisturiser
This field trip was a workshop where Theodore from Theo10 guided us how to add scents into our very own moisturiser and insect repellant.
Some scents available Theo Smelling the product Group Photo
Field Trip 2: Body Paint Camouflage Artist (Organized by me)
The Body Paint Camouflage Artist we observed is Emma Hack. More information about her can be found on her website.

Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take any photographs, the media was able to and I was able to find the following photo that shows Emma hard at word painting the model’s body.

Field Trip 3: Gem Jamming Session on Traditional Jewellery Manufacturing Techniques (Organized by me)
The gem jamming session was part of the Singapore Jewellery and Gem Fair event that took place in late October.

We attended an educational presentation by Ms. Tanja Sadow from JDMIS (Jewellery Design and Management International Schools).
It was very eye-opening as we learnt how jewellery is traditionally (and sometimes, still is) made: from sketching, to wax carving to metal melting etc.

After that, we even got to experience the modern jewellery manufacturing method – 3D CAD Modelling.
Modelling the ring Putting in the gems digitally Final Ring Design 3D Printer