The following are the field trips that I attended:
- A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality
- 1+1 DM Staff Show 2018
- In-Process A collection of the making-of.

This field trip is the one that I enjoyed the most as I got the chance to create my own moisturiser and insect repellent. It was a very interesting experience as I never knew how challenging it is to come out with a pleasant scent.

For the second field trip, I came across this artist that published two different children book. One book that contains positive thoughts about life and the other contains the artist’s childhood memories. I find it really nostalgic as it makes me reflect back on my childhood.

The last field trip I attended is the in-process exhibitions and it contains the art pieces of the NAFA students. Not only they showcase their final product, they also showed their documentation which documents their entire process in coming up with the final design. This was beneficial to me as it helped me when I was documenting for my group project.