Documentation for Prototypes vs Models – Joey

Creative Practice
Developing Film

Tools Used
Can/Bottle Opener
Spool + Tank
Trays & Tongs
Measuring Cylinders & Containers
Safety Light

These are the tools used to develop film.
1: wearable workspace to develop film
2: mobile darkroom studio


What I made was both a prototype and a model.
(cause it didn’t really work very well hurhur)
I made the mobile darkroom out of dark, black cloth stitched onto an umbrella.
The black cloth wasn’t opaque enough and light could still seep in but it was too thick, it would be too heavy and drag on the umbrella.
Also, it would be really hot inside. 
So I thought that instead, I could stick those reflective materials (like on car windows) on to the light cloth.
In addition, a safety light would need to be installed so we could see just like in normal dark rooms.
I think that would pose quite a problem to make it to not obstruct the umbrella from closing (pic below).

There were also other suggestions from classmates during the class exhibition that I could hang some ropes/lines to dry the photos on.
I think that’ll be quite feasible and makes the dark room interesting too.

The biggest problem I think would be printing of the photos (not just developing the films) as it involves the enlarger which is a large (pun intended) object. It would be a challenge to try to fit it in.

How the mobile darkroom studio looks like when closed.

Practice Storyworld – Allison Kapps


  • Galileo (Leo)
  • Mom (Tilly)
  • Assigned Space Partner  (Jeremy)
  • Space Mate (Sasha)
  • Space Travel Trainer
  • Director of Space Program

Important Technology:

  • Living Pod
  • Anti Gravity Belts
  • Spacesuits
  • Communication devices
  • Food on mars (All food looks grey and boring, but you wear AR device to make it look yummy)


Sci-Fi, near future


  • Movie
  • Need certain actors to provide context
  • Space gear
  • Video editing to create the AR experience



We see Leo in his room sleeping next to Sasha. Through the window, the viewer can see light red dusty surfaces, but not much else. The scene is intercut with shots of the pod, empty and quiet. Suddenly a sharp alarm pieces through the silence.


“Attention all residence of quarter 52, this is your 6am wake up call for the day. Please get dressed and ready to begin your work day.”

Sasha groggily shifts, and nudges Leo behind her.


“Leo… its your turn…” She grumbles.

Leo shifts restlessly.


“Leo! Come on,” Sasha says more loudly, and shoves him more intensely.

Leo shoots up in bed, startled


“What!” He gasps, and then looks around him, perturbed. “Oh…” he says, when he notices the alarm blaring. He pulls the covers back, steps out of bed and moves over to the window near his bed.  He hits the “Acknowledge Dispatch” button, on his side of the room. “I hate that alarm,” he mumbles.


“Tell me about it…I’ll go set up the gear for breakfast. Can you bring up some more nutrient packs? We ran out yesterday night.” Sasha asks.


“Sure. Maybe I’ll bring up jam, we haven’t had any in ages,” Leo proposes.

Sasha stops at the door, considering.


“I’m not sure…I think we should save it for special occasions. We still have 6 months until the next ration.”


“This is a special occasion, new job!”


“Fine…” Sasha sighs, “I guess we can have a bit today.”


There are two headsets sitting on the kitchen table, alongside plates and spoons. Leo comes in the kitchen with plastic packets of a gooey grey substance.


“Still can’t get used to this stuff, can’t believe they couldn’t have at least made it a better color.” She grumbles


“Would you have prefered bright green?” Leo grins, “It is your favorite color!”


“Somehow that would be worse, I think,” Sasha grimaces

Leo opens the plastic packets and tips them over the two plates. The grey thick goo slowly oozes out of the packets. The two watch, slightly disturbed.


“Okay,” Leo sighs, “Let’s put on the gear and get this over with”

They two put on their VR kits and they immediately see something very un-grey. Leo sees that the gooey substance has transformed into delicious looking leek soup.


“I’ve got soup today! What have you got?” Leo asked excitedly.


“Leek soup? It’s breakfast. Your settings are so weird. I have porridge, like normal breakfast.” Sasha rolls her eyes.


“Who are you to judge, you like to simulate carrots for desert,” Leo cringes


“I like to see healthy foods, makes me feel better.”


“Please prepare for your first work set, it will begin in 10 minutes”


“Crap! Gotta run!” She runs up to leo and kisses him on the cheek. “Have a good day, see you soon!”


“Bye!” Leo exclaims, “Good luck with everything!”


“Thanks!” Sasha’s voice carries out the door, as she runs out.


Practice Storyworld – Vashon Tnee

Story World: Dyst0p1a

The world is no longer huge, after a great flood due to the effects of global warming, the year 3144 is different from the one we recognize. A great war for resources created three prominent schools of thought which became factions in the grand scheme of the world. The faction of Order, Chaos and Neutrality. These schools of thoughts spread throughout the remainder of the world becoming countries in their own right. The country of Barjordia (Order), Hampo (Chaos) and Antsmaa (Neutrality). Our protagonist is born in Antsmaa, and due to circumstances, wishes to “restart” the world.

  • The large cities are well advanced in spite of the dystopian nature of the world but the war has devastated many of the “better’ technologies leaving only scraps for the final residents of the world to work with…
    • Plenty of mutated technologies
    • Creatures that may seem familiar but no longer remain the same (i.e. cybernetic enhancements, etc.)
  • Character Descriptions
    • The protagonist is a very weathered individual due to the circumstances of the world. Jaded and made indifferent, the character may be more of an antihero than an actual hero.
    • Things he/she may be wearing:
      • An eyepatch
      • Gloves
      • Skin Trophies (Won from battles)
      • Jacket
  • Relationship Maps
    • Chaos and Order are always battling
    • Neutral avoids the crossfire and conflict
  • Important Technology
    • War weaponry
    • Espionage tech
    • Data hacking
  • Antecedent Technology
    • Plug-ins
    • USBs
    • Cooling Fluids
    • Industrial factories


The protagonist is born in Antsmaa to a poor family. The conflict beyond the shores of Antsmaa was unknown to the people living there except for the politically affluent. The war however eventually reached the shores as factions from both Order and Chaos made the village at the coast where the protagonist lived into one of their battlegrounds and in the crossfire, his family was murdered. The protagonist grows to hate all the factions and seeks to nihilistically remove every single part of it. In order to do so, he will need the right equipment to blend in and take down each faction from the inside.

  • What is the role of the device you make?
    • It provides the protagonist with shapeshifting technology that does not exist yet for the world until it was invented.
  • What other props and actors do you have?
    • The protagonist, and actors that represent the leaders from each faction
    • Props would be a helmet
  • What other materials do you need to create?
    • A cloak/jacket?

Documentation for Prototypes and Models + Practice Storyworld – Boo Shangyou

Creative Practice: Making Board Games

Tools needed to make board game prototypes:

  1. Paper
  2. Coloured Pencils
  3. Eraser
  4. Scissors
  5. Ruler

Dice play a core role in many board games, and I realised that cutting out paper dice without the aid of a printer can be quite the hassle, so I created a model and a prototype of what I call a portable dice maker.

Left: Prototype, Middle: Model, Right: A paper dice made using the Prototype

The portable dice maker is the same size and thickness as a regular ID card, making it easy to store in your wallet or put in your pocket. The final version of the product would likely be made from lightweight aluminium so that it would be both sturdy and light. To use the portable dice maker, simply place it over any cuttable surface (doesn’t have to be paper, it can even be leaves), trace the outline of the dice onto it, and cut it out. It is extremely convenient and simple to use, and it will allow you to embrace your board game/gambling habits wherever you go!

Practice Storyworld: (Sorry for the outlandish story, I’m a filmmaker)

Practice Storyworld – Teo Zi Lin

Storyworld: New Oracle

Cyberpunk City by artursadlos on Deviant Art:

In year 2155, our world has became one where technologies take over every inch of the city, from Augmented Reality to Virutal Reality to immersive technology. However, this comes at a hefty price. The city is so polluted with toxic fumes that it is impossible to breathe properly without the help of GASGear3.0. Thus, in this city, the people do not know how one another look like, even among family members, because it is a golden rule that they must never remove their mask. The only time they can do so is in virtual reality, where they can manipulate their appearance according to their preferences.

Character description

Art by Jessica Smith:

This is how a typical inhabitant of New Oracle looks like. Due to the toxic fumes, they have to cover themselves up fully with long sleeved top and pants, gloves, a head cover, and GASGear3.0. The inhabitants are always online in the virutal world because that is their only escape from the cruel and gloomy reality. In the online world, they get to experience how the world is like in the 2000s – green, clean, and free.

Important technology

GASGear3.0 is an important technology in New Oracle, because inhabitants cannot survive without it. GASGear3.0 is based on developments of the current respirator system technology, such as Scott Safety’s Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR).

Scott Safety’s Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR):

Antecedent technology

The present day AR and VR technologies are what led to New Oracle. Advancement of these technologies led to a cyberpunk city at the expense of the environment.


This story falls under the dystopian genre. Since inhabitants are always online, it is easy for cyber attackers to hack the system and disrupt their reality escape. To add on, inhabitants are vulnerable to murder in the real world when they are online, as anyone can remove their GASGear3.0 easily. New Oracle is thus a city for temptation of crimes, just for the fun of it.


The story begins with mysterious figures removing the GASGear3.0 of someone who is online in the virtual world. They then left him to be poisoned to death as he breathed in the toxic fumes without GASGear3.0. After 1 week of repeated incidents, a tense atmosphere engulfed the city as everyone’s safety is compromised. As a result, less and less people go online, and this saddens the protagonist, Ned, who is an avid gamer and ethical hacker. Unfortunately, while gaming with his best bud Lom, he witnessed Lom’s avatar gasping for air and eventually, becoming lifeless. Ned was devastated, and vowed to bring the murderers to justice. He started hacking Lom’s and the other victims’ accounts to find leads. While Ned found more and more leads, Wera, the antagonist and the boss of the crime syndicate, took notice of Ned’s actions and inched closer on him to silence him before they get exposed. The story ends with Ned uploading the identities of the murderers onto the city billboard online, as his GASGear3.0 mask gets removed offline.


I will tell my story via a short video of about 3-5 minutes. This is a short video, but it is best to leave most of the imagination about New Oracle to the audience, rather than telling them every single detail.

The role of the device I make, GASGear3.0, will become a tool for murder. This is ironic, because inhabitants of New Oracle depend on it for survival, but at the same time, it is this very reliance that renders them vulnerable to murder. Them being perpetually online in the virtual world makes them even more susceptible to murder as while their physical body is in the real world, their consciousness and mind is in the virtual world.

My story will include a protagonist who tries to track down the murderers, a best friend of the protagonist who gets murdered, the antagonist who is the boss of the crime syndicate, members of the crime syndicate, murder victims and the inhabitants of New Oracle.

Documentation for Prototypes and Models – Low Jia Yi

Creative Practice:
Zentangle + Coloring (Meditative Art Practices)

Example of Colored Zentangle (Credits to Terry Dryden)

Tools Needed:
– Pencil
– Tortillon
– Eraser
– Marker
– Color Pencil(s)
– Paper

Sketch of 5 tools needed

Idea 1: Finger Straps

Sketch of Finger Straps
Model of Finger Straps

My first idea was simply to strap one of each of the 5 tools to each finger, so that the tools will be easily available. However, this is not an idea that will actually work because the user will not actually be able to use the tools properly in a way that can allow him or her to control and execute the creative practice.

Idea 2: Robotic Strap-On Arm

Sketch of Robotic Strap-On Arm
Prototype of Robotic Strap-On Arm

The second idea builds on the first idea in terms of making all the tools readily accessible. However, to improve control, I thought of having a device strapped on to the user’s wrist, and said device is actually a robotic arm, with each of it’s ‘fingers’ holding the tools. The user can then press the corresponding buttons on his or her inner wrist to activate the robotic arm and have the tool delivered to in between his or her thumb and index finger, available for use.

Documentation for Prototypes and Models – Jhnn Ymn

Creative practice studied: Experimental filmmaking

In looking at a creative practice, I was recently able to meet artist an who creates darkly beautiful experimental films through the rather laborious processes of scratching into, manipulating, and creating physical materials and artefacts, from film strips to tiles. A trailer of his screened works may be seen in the video above. He would animate these objects through stop motion techniques to create sensuous, ethereal images (which are sometimes unnerving), as seen from the excerpts in the video above.

As each work depends highly on the manipulation of the material that the artist has decided to focus upon for that specific video, the tools used tended to vary quite a bit.

Some tools used:

  1. Film strips, scratched
  2. with various sharp objects, later illuminated
  3. by candle, documented with
  4. a camera;
  5. also by scanner.

As you may note of the other tools not listed here but included in my illustration, these objects are eclectic and depend on the video work, whether it was a ‘film-scratching’ type of work, as he called it, or one of his newer works which animated other materials that are not included in the above trailer. Perhaps the most consistent were tools for visual documentation: scanners and cameras.

I illustrated some of these tools, and more, below…

Thinking of how I could create wearable tools for an experimental filmmaker made me think of how various tools (both useless and useful) could be embedded into various areas of the body, based on the sturdiness of the body part as a working surface and the mobility. Also, how cool (or uncool) a certain tool may look at a certain area of the body when worn. As such, I came up with two ideas of varying usefulness.

Ideas for wearable tools:

  1. Knee Scanner
  2. Stop Motion Wristguard

Knee Scanner

The knee scanner does exactly as it is titled — a scanbed that may be fitted  to the lower thigh area, right above the knee. This way, when the user is knelt down, the raised knee allows the lower thigh area to serve as a sturdy surface for scanning materials. Rather useful for on-the-go finding of textures or interesting objects to use within video works.

As such, textures and objects may be digitised into an image file, sent via wifi or bluetooth to a pre-connected computer. This would be perfect for the capturing of textures and surfaces for stop motion-animated images that could coalesce into another video work for the artist.

Also, since the artist conducts extensive research into Singapore’s film history, perhaps the knee scanner may help during research, when an interesting few pages of material have been found and a high-quality scan of these images are needed.

I created a model of the knee scanner to demonstrate how it looks and fits over the knee — I used some shiny plastic to stand-in for the glass of the scanbed. While I wasn’t able to replicate successfully the look of the actual materials that it should have been made of, it visually demonstrates the fit and the general placement of the wearable tool, hopefully serving as a useful visual for understanding the device.

Stop Motion Wristguard

Now, for a less-than-useful device that rests at the intersection of (questionably) cool and impractical. Inspired by 90s’ anime, the Stop Motion Wristguard is wearable which allows one to lay out all of one’s stop motion frames/objects in a sequential order — a mobile working surface that keeps your animation frames organised and within reach.

My prototype demonstrates the laying out of these frames over the surface, attached to the wrist for ease of access and the ability to grab one’s tools with dramatic flourish. The prototype demonstrates how the wearable works, with objects laid out, as well as one of its functions (more accurately, one of its embellishments).

Meant to dramatically swoop open, the Stop Motion Wristguard may expand its surface for more items to be laid out. While the mechanism isn’t quite perfected in the prototype, the hinging of these two wings were demonstrated to show their presence in a final iteration of a Wristguard, were it to be made.

Documentation for Prototype and Model & Exploring Practitioners 1: Seamstress – Rachel Teo

Worksite documentation:

I visited a seamstress to observe her at work, as well as the various tools that she needed for her creative profession. She has her own workspace that is the size of two sewing machine-tables. Two different types of sewing machines are needed because there is two main type of sewing stitches needed to create an article of clothing. At her workspace, we also has an entire wall-shelf decorated with threads of different colours and sizes. This is to ensure that she can colour match the thread to the various coloured clothing that customers bring in. 

Pain Points: 

She requires many different types of tools, which are kept all over her workplace. In the profession of sewing, there are also many tools that are small in size. So she has to be very careful where she keeps her tools, so that she does not misplace and cannot find anything.

From the various tools that she shared me, I wanted to create a device that incorporated as many of them as possible, and I came up with the assistant glove.

The tools incorporated included: a pin cushion, drawing chalk, scissors, a retractable straight ruler, a measuring tape, and a needle threading tool.

Initially, I thought that maybe it could work. After I created the model of the device, I realised that it was just a creative concept, but not functional. I put on the glove and tried to use them as if I were a seamstress, and thought that they were impractical, and would not work well when put into use. 

This assignment made me realise how important making models and prototypes were. It is not enough to think of an idea, but building the actual idea will help you see if the idea is actually functional. 

A better device would actually be a vest that gives them organization and easy access to their many tools! Sometimes thinking of a fancy idea may not be the best thing, but just a simple object that assists them in their daily activities is the sufficient enough.

Documentation for Prototypes and Models (Practitioner 1) – Stephanie

Creative practice: Leather crafting

– Stitching chisel
– Swivel knife and angled blade
– Leather craft roller
– Sewing Horse
– Strap end punch
– Threads and needles (not featured in the picture below)

Here’s some pictures from the leather crafting workshop! You can see how cluttered the workspace can be due to the number of tools that is needed. 

Idea 1 – Prototype

For the prototype, I wanted to create a tool belt that the leather crafter can wear that consists of all the tools and supplies needed. Velcro to secure the tool belt is ideal as it can be adjusted easily to suit all shapes and sizes. 

On the left side of the tool belt, you can insert tools into the slits and take them out very easily as well. For tools like the knife blade, I wanted a protective flap that is lined with silicon which can prevent the user from being injured. Initially, I wanted the spools of thread to be on display but moving forward, it might not be ideal or necessary as the space can be used to hold other tools. Furthermore, on a watch strap usually only one colour of thread will be used. 

On the right side, the leather samples are clipped to the belt so that the crafter will know what are the types of leather or materials that he has. This way, he or she can show it to their clients easily as well. 

The rod like tool will be compatible with attachments such as the leather craft roller, strap end punches in order to minimise the number of tools needed. 

The detachable tool pouch consists of the sewing horse, leather craft roller, various strap end punches and the cutting board for the crafter to be able to create his art on the go. 

Idea 2 – Customising the strap (Drawing)

Ipad app

After speaking to the leather craftsman, he mentioned that it was often for customers to decide what kind of material they wanted for their straps and the type of end, the colour of the thread etc. Hence, I thought that it would be pretty cool if there was an app for customers to use in order to pick the perfect strap for their watch.