Field Trip to Art After Dark @ Gillman Barracks – Teo Zi Lin and Jhnn Ymn

We organised a trip to Gillman Barracks for their Art After Dark event, the art precinct’s signature open house event that doubled as a 6th anniversary celebration. Involving artist open studios, exhibition openings, artist talks, and music performances, it allowed us to find out more about various artistic practices through the night.

A list of those who attended the field trip are:
– Teo Zi Lin (Organiser)
– Jhnn Ymn (Organiser)
– Vashon Tnee Rihao
– Joey Ng Zhi Yu
– Reyna Mae Tamonan Corrales
– Leong Jia En, Tracy

Artist Open Studios

The NTU Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA) held their Residencies OPEN with the Art After Dark event, allowing us a glimpse into the creative process for a range of artistic practices, from found object to animation to soundscape.

It was particularly interesting to note the varying modes with which the artists utilised the studio spaces accorded to them — some simply used projections and screens in a largely empty studio space, while others crammed the space with in-progress sculptural works, texts, and objects. These differing methods suggested the highly individualised manner with which practitioners used studio spaces.

Falke Pisano’s studio

Luca Lum’s studio
Luca Lum’s studio
Luca Lum, Arachne / Experiments in zero, 2018, Eight electrical gloves, utensil stand, chain, deflated silver balloon

Luca Lum, Vis-a-vis, 2018, Unevenly cured resin mould of comic figurine and spoon

Zai Tang’s studio

Zai Tang’s studio

Wu Mali’s studio

Wu Mali’s studio

Susie Wong’s studio

Takuji Kogo’s studio


Some of the shows open during the event included Journey of a Yellow Man. Selected Materials from the Independent Archive and Luca Lum’s impasse to verbal.

Journey of a Yellow Man. Selected Materials from the Independent Archive at The Lab

Lee Wen, World Class Society, 1999-2000/2018, Video, soft sculpture, badges, questionnaire, dimensions variable

Lee Wen, World Class Society, 1999-2000/2018, Video, soft sculpture, badges, questionnaire, dimensions variable

Luca Lum’s impasse to verbal at The Vitrine

Luca Lum’s impasse to verbal at The Vitrine

Luca Lum’s impasse to verbal at The Vitrine


Lepak Readings: Karl Kerridge, Kai Lam, and Terence Lau

Field Trip with SG Food Rescue – Teo Zi Lin

I organised a field trip with SG Food Rescue to save some veggies and fruits from their fate of going into the thrash bins at Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre. The field trip happened on 4 October 2018, from 10am to 2pm.

A list of those who attended the field trip are:

  • Teo Zi Lin (Organiser)
  • Allison Kapps
  • Yau Wee Nee
  • Vashon Tnee Rihao
  • Joey Ng Zhi Yu
  • Stephanie Yeo Xin Yi
  • Wendy Neo Hui Ting

We approached shopkeepers and wholesalers and asked them to give us the vegetables and fruits that they no longer want. These included fruits and veggies that were not in the perfect conditions for sale, but still largely edible. Such veggies and fruits were first distributed among Food Rescuers for their own consumption. The majority of the collection then got channelled to soup kitchens and charitable organisations that feed the needy. Below are some pictures of the field trip!

It was a bustling period for wholesalers even on a Thursday morning.
A typical scene of what happens when a wholesaler sorts out their goods.
We saved several tonnes of fruits and veggies in a mere 2 hours. We were frankly shocked by the amount of food wastage in the food supply chain. If these were initially fated to be in the bins in just 2 hours, imagine the amount of perfectly edible food thrown away everyday. That’ll be as much as Mount Faber in just a couple of months!
Working hard to load the rescued veggies and fruits into the truck for transport!
Group photo to celebrate our very bountiful fruits and veggies rescue!

Teo Zi Lin (A0160163R)

Workshop – Cassandra Lim

The skill I shared for the workshop I hosted is fancy card-making. Considering the time constraint, I chose the relatively easy swing card but there are many cooler ones out there 🙂 Cards need not be boring anymore! 😉

Tools used: Scrapbooking paper/ Drawing block, Ruler, Pencil, Marker, Penknife, Colour papers, Patterned papers, Photos (optional)

Week 11 Optical Illusion workshop- Karin Lew

On week 11, we conducted a series of workshops outside of class with a group of 5 classmates. It was a pretty interesting series as we got to make soap and acrylic art as well as learn about Adobe Illustrator.

The workshop I taught was on optical illusions: what were the different subsections of it, how it happens, and lastly, a short hands-on activity on how to draw one. 

Explaining the different variations of optical illusions.
in the middle of the hands-on activity to draw one.
learning how to make acrylic art from nail polish!
the result!! really cool I liked doing this a lot
Soap making….
adobe illustrator/Glitch workshop….

Overall, we all had a pretty great time learning from each other, it was cool to learn and try new things.

Recess week workshop – Stephanie

For this workshop, I was teaching the class how to design and create a simple prototype of an app that can be functional as well. 

To start off, we started by drawing a simple sketch of how they envisioned their apps to look like, and subsequently use coloured markers to shade the sketches so that they can envision the colour scheme of the app.

Next, I went through with the participants on how sketch and invision works, and what are they used for. Sketch is the software that is used to create the app prototype, whereas Invision is the software to make the prototype functional. 

3 Field Trips Summary – Allison Kapps

I went on 3 field trips throughout the semester, the first being an Artist Talk by Nguan, the second being the Food Rescuers volunteer mission, and the third being a Watercolor observation at NTU. Here are some pictures from the three events:

Artist Talk by Nguan:

Food Rescuers :

Watercolour Observation NTU:

Week 11 Image and Font Manipulation Workshop – Low Jia Yi

I conducted my workshop in Week 11. There were 6 of us altogether, so 5 people participating in the workshop.

I originally wanted to use Adobe Illustrator as the platform to conduct the workshop. However, it occured to me that many people would not have the software (the free trial would have expired had they downloaded it for a previous workshop). I thus found a free to use online platform that has similar functions – Gravit. I then went through, step-by-step, how to manipulate images and fonts using both softwares.

Everybody can access the workshop slides via our shared Google Drive folder, or via this link

The workshop participants demonstrated their artistic creativity:

Week 11 Sensory Art Workshop – Reyna Corrales & Tracy Leong

On Week 11, we conducted an outside-of-class workshop on Sensory Art. Sensory Art consists of hands-on activities that relate to our senses (touch, sight, sound, smell, etc). With materials that can be easily found at home, you get to stimulate your creativity and engage in free play. For this workshop, we had two different activities – Nail polish marbling and Butter soap making.

Nail Polish Marbling

Materials used: Cup, Water, Nail polish, Toothpicks, Item to marble

Butter Soap Making

Materials used: Container, Shampoo, Corn starch, Baby oil

Mixing the corn starch and shampoo

Week 7 Basic HTML and CSS workshop – Johan Ng and Hazzry

Our workshop on HTML and CSS was conducted in week 7 during class time. For this workshop, Johan focused on the theory aspect while Hazzry went through the tutorial of making a student profile with the class. 

Sequence of Workshop

  1. HTML Structure
  2. HTML Tags
  3. Formatting elements
  4. CSS
  5. Creation of Student Profile
Hazzry going through making the student profile
Workshop in progress!
creation of student profile from class

For those who are interested in what we did, you can download the workshop slides and instructions from the links below!

Week 7 Sewing & Embroidery Workshop – Charmaine & Rachel

Our workshop on sewing and embroidery was conducted during week 7 in class. For this workshop, we selected a few different kinds of stitches and embroidery methods that we thought would be useful for the class when they create their final prototype.

The rough agenda for the workshop was:

  1. Running Stitch
  2. Back Stitch (more secure; useful to sew pieces of cloths together for your prototype relative to using ‘running stitches’ as it got a stronger hold)
  3. Chain Stitch
  4. Lazy Daisy (using the concept of chain stitch)
  5. French Knot (can be use to create mini roses)
  6. Satin stitch and padding (can be used to create different embroidery design. Tips: Do drawing guidelines of your design before you start embroidering)
  7. Fishbone/Fishtail
Here is a reference image to show how the different stitches and embroidery actually looks like.
Tools used: 
– Threads (thick, thin)
– Needles
– Scissors
– Cloth
– Needle threader
Final product of everyone’s!