Field Trips – Chia Li Hui

The following are the field trips that I attended:

  1. A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality
  2. 1+1 DM Staff Show 2018
  3. In-Process A collection of the making-of.

This field trip is the one that I enjoyed the most as I got the chance to create my own moisturiser and insect repellent. It was a very interesting experience as I never knew how challenging it is to come out with a pleasant scent.

For the second field trip, I came across this artist that published two different children book. One book that contains positive thoughts about life and the other contains the artist’s childhood memories. I find it really nostalgic as it makes me reflect back on my childhood. 

The last field trip I attended is the in-process exhibitions and it contains the art pieces of the NAFA students. Not only they showcase their final product, they also showed their documentation which documents their entire process in coming up with the final design. This was beneficial to me as it helped me when I was documenting for my group project. 

Field Trips – Brenda Tan

Here are the 3 field trips I attended!

  1. A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality
  2. 1+1 DM Staff Show 2018
  3. In-Process A collection of the making-of.

A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality

During this workshop, we learnt how Theodore, the founder of Theo10, pursued his dreams in creating natural products and the hard work he put in to come up with the right formulations. We even had the opportunity to create our very own moisturisers and mosquito repellents! 

1+1 DM Staff Show 2018

This exhibition showcased the works of NAFA’s full-time and adjunct lecturers’ practices and I thought that they were really unique and inspirational. Here are a few of my favourite artworks! 

In-Process A collection of the making-of.

This exhibition showcased the design process of 20 students for works created during their diploma years. Their sketches, models and presentation boards really gave us great insights to the hard work and effort put into creating artworks. 

Field Trips – Clare Chang

Here are the 3 field trips I attended, 2 of which I organized! 

  1. Red Dot Design Museum
  2. 1+1 DM Staff Show 2018
  3. In-Process A collection of the making-of.

Red Dot Design Museum

Steph organized this field trip to A Preview Of The Future at the Red Dot Design Museum. There were many different categories of designs and ideations that all won awards. These categories included lifestyle to healthcare to tech. It was great inspiration for our final designs and also gave us ideas on how to construct our prototypes. There were also really good examples of wearable studios.

1+1 DM Staff Show 2018

This exhibition showcased Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts’ (NAFA) Design and Media programme’s full-time lecturers and adjunct lecturers’ work.  I organized this because I thought it was an interesting insight to some of the more unorthodox works that helped as design inspiration for all of us.

In-Process A collection of the making-of.

The second field trip I organized was also at NAFA. This exhibition was put together by 3D Design Programme at NAFA. It showcased the design process of their students. I felt that it was useful in looking at others’ sketches, models and presentation boards. 

Field Trips – Low Jia Yi

I attended three field trips, two of which I organised.

Field Trip 1: A Craftsman Journey – DIY Insect Repellant and Moisturiser

This field trip was a workshop where Theodore from Theo10 guided us how to add scents into our very own moisturiser and insect repellant.

Field Trip 2: Body Paint Camouflage Artist (Organized by me)

The Body Paint Camouflage Artist we observed is Emma Hack. More information about her can be found on her website.

Australian Visual Artist Emma Hack

Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take any photographs, the media was able to and I was able to find the following photo that shows Emma hard at word painting the model’s body.

Emma at work (Source: Asia One)
The final product looked a bit like this (Source: Emma Hack)
Emma is the artist behind Gotye’s iconic ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ music video

Field Trip 3: Gem Jamming Session on Traditional Jewellery Manufacturing Techniques (Organized by me)

The gem jamming session was part of the Singapore Jewellery and Gem Fair event that took place in late October.

Everybody had to register and obtain a visitor pass to enter

We attended an educational presentation by Ms. Tanja Sadow from JDMIS (Jewellery Design and Management International Schools).

It was very eye-opening as we learnt how jewellery is traditionally (and sometimes, still is) made: from sketching, to wax carving to metal melting etc.

After that, we even got to experience the modern jewellery manufacturing method – 3D CAD Modelling.

Field Trips – Jhnn Ymn

Here are the three field trips I attended, one of which I co-organised!

  1. Art After Dark @ Gillman Barracks (organiser)
  2. Red Dot Design Museum
  3. Artist Talk by Nguan

Art After Dark @ Gillman Barracks (organiser)

Together with Zi Lin, I organised and attended the trip to Art After Dark at Gillman Barracks, which was the art precinct’s signature open house event that doubled as a 6th anniversary celebration. Involving artist open studios, exhibition openings, artist talks, and music performances, it allowed us to find out more about various artistic practices through the night.

You can find the original post by both organisers here.

Studio visits

Red Dot Design Museum

Together with my classmates, I visited the exhibition, A Preview Of The Future at the Red Dot Design Museum. The exhibition displayed design research proposals from the winners of the Red Dot Award for Design Concept. This edition in particular dealt with design concepts for the future — a fitting exhibition for our class. The show featured designs for tools, wearables, robots, and various other products.

Wear Space head device that provides its wearer a quiet, mobile private space
Wear Space head device that provides its wearer a quiet, mobile private space
Various designs for wearables
Sightless Dog Antenna
Lumos Bicycle Helmet
Design for a sound making suit from a previous exhibition catalogue

Artist Talk by Nguan

With my classmates, I attended the artist talk by Nguan, held by the Singapore International Photography Festival. The talk was organised in conjunction with his photography exhibition entitled Singapore. The series sought to present the country as dream landscape — romanticised and softly-hued. During the talk itself, Nguan talked about his process as a photographer — the methods utilised to capture a shot, the photographer’s tools, such as lighting and composition, and the notions of street photography and voyeurism.

Nguan brings out his camera for the audience
Nguan brings out his camera for the audience
Image may contain: sky and outdoor
From his series, Singapore

Field Trips – Darren Lee

  1. Theo10
  2. Red Dot Design Museum
  3. Artist talk – NGUAN  

A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality (Theo10) – September 22

It was a rather interesting and very interactive field trip where we learned how to make our own moisturizers and mosquito repellents using scents. Theodore explained his process, pain points, and tools used and the benefits for his products such as the moisturizer being good for eczema.

He also gave insights about the history of his business after the outbreak of mosquito vector-based outbreaks, how he got a grant by Spring Singapore, and was featured on several news channels.

Theo demonstrating how to make moisturizer
Beneficial properties of each stuff


  • 10 drops of essential oil
  • A mixture of paste
  • Must be kept warm while stirring
Our moisturizer

Test mosquito repellants

  • Add Base made from Neem tree
  • Add 2ml of base
  • Add 10ml of water
  • Add essential oils
  • Mix until odour disappears
Celine and I after making our citrus-ey Mosquito repellent

Red Dot Design Museum – September 25

I joined a field trip with some of my classmates to the Red Dot Museum to view the permanent exhibition, “A Preview of the Future – Red Dot Award: Design Concept”. Over here we saw an exhibit of really cool industrial design concepts and products which were really interesting as it showcases more than 345 award-winning design concepts of all kinds from wearables to furniture and funky contraptions which gave inspiration to some of our work.

Entrance of the Red Dot Design Museum

Photos of concepts and products in the exhibit

 Artist Talk – NGUAN – September 29

We joined a photographer’s talk by Nguan who showcased his tips for great street photography and how he does it. It was interesting to hear from the artist himself the stories behind a few shots and how he shot to fame.

Talk at the event venue at the National Design Center

Here are a few tips he gave during the talk:

  1. Time of photos has made his shots more interesting such as older artifacts and venues – But cannot rely too much on time alone. He’s not too fond of the past but using the photos of the past to portray a fantasy of Singapore
  2. Lighting for shots after after sunset at about 6pm
  3. Perception: all photographers are looking for best angles. Find same view in a new way
  4. Motion blur: represent the world in an unreal fashion. Something he doesn’t do a lot
  5. His style is a shallow depth of field. Unusual for street photography
  6. Color palette: Children’s book with dark undercolor. Wanted to try emulate the look of color pencils. Initial intention. Recognizable style by repeating over and over again.

Field Trips – Loke Ting Wei

Field Trip 1: A Craftsman Journey – From Dream to Reality

Made our own moisturiser!
Waiting for our turn to get some of the mixture
(contains the goodness of pure jojoba oil!)
Us mixing the essential oils into our mixture
Learnt about the different benefits of the oils!

Field trip 2: Red Dot Design Museum

Some of the cool designs for the kitchen! That pan with the detachable base would be so convenient! 
A filter device which one can obtain fresh drinking water from the sea! Relatable to our group’s project which is about living on a water city in 2050.
A panel that uses the principle of adiabatic cooling to adjust a room’s temperature without electricity or gas. This would be so good for people living in developing countries, esp with extremely hot weathers. This design product is really a social good.

Field trip 3: Gem Jamming @ Singapore Jewelry and Gem Fair 

Using the CAD Matrix 9.0 to create our own jewelry!
Preview of the actual jewelry after creating it

Field Trips – Ang Xin Yee

  1. Artist talk – Nguan
  2. Red Dot Design Museum 
  3. Watercolour painting demonstration

1. Artist talk – Nguan

I have been a fan of Nguan’s Instagram photo style since a few years ago. Attending this artist talk allowed me to have a deeper insight into his thinking process. Before attending the talk, I had thought that he used filters in post-processing digital photos. However, he revealed that all photos were not post-processed at all – besides the square crop – but only overexposed 3-5 stops on his film camera. This revelation made me even more impressed with his photography style.

2. Red Dot Design Museum

It was interesting to see various wearable designs as well as household appliances transformed with technological advancements

3. Watercolour painting demonstration

The practitioner explained how her current research of how the eye perceives colour will be materialised as a painting. She demonstrated using acrylic gouache as her medium. Although she is trained to look at colours and its values by eye, she still uses her phone, to desaturate a photo taken of the colours she’s comparing, to double check the values of each colour.

Field Trip (Painting Demonstration with local artist Goh Huiying) – Organised by Boo Shangyou

I organised a field trip to NTU’s School Of Art, Design and Media on the 31st of October where we observed award-winning watercolour artist Goh Huiying work on her new acrylic gouache painting for an upcoming art exhibition.

Field Trip Attendees:
1. Boo Shangyou (Organiser)
2. Low Jia Yi
3. Ang Xin Yee
4. Allison Kapps
5. Eugene Tan

The purpose of Huiying’s latest art piece was to experiment how colours with the same luminance values but different hues could still create contrast (and an optical illusion shimmering effect in some cases when colours on the opposite ends of the colour spectrum are used).

We got to observe the early stages of her painting process, as she explained to us the ideas and concepts behind her painting and proceeded to draw sketches of the actual painting.

Here is how her amazing painting turned out in the end:

If you’d like to check it out (along with many other amazing paintings), it will be on exhibition until 30th November here:

On a side note, here are another 3 interesting field trips that I attended:
– A Craftsman Journey – DIY Insect Repellant and Moisturiser
– Body Paint Camouflage Artist Emma Hack
– Gem Jamming Session on Traditional Jewellery Manufacturing Techniques

Field Trips – Charmaine Goh


On September 14th, a few of us had a chance to visit Dr. Philip Johns from Yale-NUS at his workplace. He introduced the concept of DNA sequencing to us which I thought was something really fresh and cool as I had zero experience or knowledge of DNA sequencing prior to this. He showed h=us the various tools needed for him to do his work, which includes tools such as a pipettor, PCR machine, his portable MinION DNA sequencer. He also raised his concern about the potential risk of contamination every time he bring his work outdoors.

Dr Phillips John explaining the use of the pipette in his profession
MinION – portable DNA Sequencer


For my second field trip, I attended the insect repellant and moisturiser making workshop conducted by Theodore, the founder of Theo10. It was probably my favourite field trip as the entire workshop was so hands-on! I previously documented the field trip as one of my practitioner. Please find the details of my documentation for the field trip below: 


For my last field trip, I visited The Red Dot Design Museum’s permanent exhibition, “A Preview of the Future – Red Dot Award: Design Concept” with the rest of the classmates. The exhibition showcased many different award-winning design concepts which was definitely an eye-opener. Particular for me and my groupmate, Stephanie, this particular exhibition really gave us inspirations in the design of our prototype. 

Wearable bag infused with the design of a vest. I’m amazed at how this design can useful and yet look aesthetically pleasing at the same time!
This particular design caught my attention sue to its quirky outlook. It also highlighted the increasing need for privacy in today’s world.